Parents’ Corner
Resources and support for parents of teenagers.
You have questions and concerns about your teenage daughter. We have answers and support for you!
It can be so draining trying to relate to your teen: the one with the mood swings, who seems to enjoy arguing, who is withdrawing, whose self-esteem has taken a nose dive, the child you worry may be anxious and/or depressed. Get helpful information, practical strategies, and lots of support by joining our parenting workshop.
All meetings take place online and questions can be submitted beforehand!
What to expect when your child is in therapy?
So you and your child have decided to get some extra support for this difficult and challenging life stage? Congratulations! That's such great news! Why? Because couldn't we all use a little positive reinforcement, skills training, and cognitive challenging/reframing??
However, you may not know what to expect. Here are some of my priorities and goals:
Ensuring that your child feels comfortable and supported
Helping them identify negative patterns in thoughts/feelings/behaviors
Encouraging them to acknowledge and appreciate their many strengths
Educating them about what anxiety is and what it means
Learning and applying new skills so that they are in control of their anxiety
Maintaining session confidentiality with the exception that safety trumps privacy
Therapy can have a wonderful impact on anxious teens, however, it is important to remember that there are some limitations:
Therapy will not get rid of anxiety. We cannot control what happens in life or our immediate, innate response. Our goal is to help kids manage their emotions and reactions.
Therapy is not easy all the time; I may ask if a client is looking for support while s/he vents or if s/he is interested in "real talk" when I respectfully challenge a thought or belief (e.g., "my mom doesn't like him because she doesn't want me to be happy")
I won't force kids to talk about what they don't want to talk about, boundaries are respected!
Recommended Colleagues
Couples' Therapists
Rodney Baker, LMFT
Susan Anderson, LMFT
Children, ages 4-10
Amber Iller, LICSW
Adult Women
Susan Wright, LCMHC
Christie Chapman, LICSW
Katie LaPlant, LICSW
Adult Men
TJ Dinsmore, LCMHC
Scott Cook, LICSW